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Showing posts from January, 2022

Distributing Skills into Categories & Creating a Google Site

 Hi Everyone! This week I spent time distributing goalkeeper skills into the categories that I created last week: Distribution & Foot Skills, Handling, Diving & Shot Stopping, One-on-Ones, Set Pieces, and Crosses. I've also included a Goalkeeper Fitness category that I'm considering including to provide exercises for developing fitness and specific muscle strength relevant to goalkeeper skills. As I noted before, skills like footwork, positioning, and communication are overarching and will therefore be included as they relate to the specific skills below. These are the skills and how I've separated them into the categories above: Distribution & Foot Skills Hand distribution Goal kicks Pass backs Handling Parrying Catching high Catching low Diving & Shot Stopping Diving (high, medium, low) Recovery (getting up) Reactions (getting set) Foot saves One-on-Ones Cutting down angles Loose balls Decision-making (timing, anticipation) Set Pieces Corner kicks Free kic...

Researching and Categorizing Goalkeeper Skills

 Hi Everyone! The first task I needed to complete for this project was brainstorming each of the different skills needed for goalkeeping. I did a little research to check if I was missing any skills, but for the most part I researched how people grouped the skills into different categories as I found a lot of skills overlapped between some of the initial categories I created. For example, positioning is a skill that can be included in a number of different categories. Where a keeper positions themself on set pieces (corner kicks, free kicks, penalties, etc.) is very important, but positioning also plays a key role in being able to break up through balls or long balls as well as cutting down angles on shots and one-on-ones. My first thought was to include each of these within the category of positioning, but there are other skills involved in one-on-ones and set pieces that aren't closely related to positioning; for example timing, anticipation (reading a shooter or play), and commu...


 Hi Everyone! Welcome to my Genius Hour Blog.   If you are unfamiliar with the Google inspired concept of Genius Hour, check out the video below: I'm not going to lie, open-ended projects like these can be very overwhelming. You have many ideas filling your head and are constantly questioning whether any of them are good enough. Once I choose a path or two from which I can imagine a product, I will feel significantly less overwhelmed by the project's lack of direction.  Some project ideas will be successful and some will not. However, since these projects are based on passions, the time put in will hopefully be enjoyable regardless of the outcome.  Although I can think of many passions and hobbies of mine, most of them do not have clear products that can be made. I am very passionate about sports and I'm considering something like a " how-to " for soccer goalkeeping. I am also very interested in games of strategy and could do a breakdown of different card or boa...