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Continuing my website and breaking down the skills

 Hi Everyone!

I hope you enjoyed visiting my site and having a look at the format. This week I focused on creating the pages for each skill section, linking the specific skills to these pages, and starting with breaking down one of the skills.

Here's a look at the front page of the distribution and foot skills section. I created a page with a brief heading explaining the importance of this category of skills.

The skill I decided to start a breakdown of was goal kicks. I chose to start with goal kicks because it's one of the more straight-forward skills. Check out the goal kicks page below:

While breaking down Goal Kicks I included links to the rules and especially focused on the new rule change that no longer requires a goal kick to leave the box to be in play. I also highlighted the importance of learning this skill for goalkeepers and shared some of my own experience improving this skill as I gained the size required to add power to my kick. One thing I recognized while doing this breakdown is how much background knowledge and explanation I want to provide for each skill. I didn't even get to the actual explanation of technique, because I was contemplating how I should go about that section without using video. Some of the skills could require a lot of text which made me question if I should leave the technique explanations blank. However, I also considered that explaining these skills through my writing will be a very useful skill to develop as well and that as a site having both resources for my visitors would be a great resource. I don't want to compromise on the fullness of my explanations or eliminate skills that I know are important, so over the course of this project I will complete as many of the skills as possible and will finish the rest after its completion.
