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Bye Week & Feedback Consideration

 Hi Everyone!

This week I'm going to be taking a break from my project and focus on considering the best way to proceed with my product. My professor pointed to the website, videos, and drills for each skill being far above the workload expectations for this project, so this week I'm going to think about how I would like to scale down my product.

Because I want to pursue goalkeeper training and coaching part time alongside my teaching career, building the website was my way of starting this, so at this point I would really like to continue this portion. I'm also thinking that since I won't be adding drills for each skill at this point (would be completed post-project), I will have a lot less research on my plate and can likely dedicate that time to creating the website. The videotaping was probably the portion that was the most daunting, and although I will also want to add this in the future, taking this part out for the time being would make my project scope significantly more manageable. With that said, I would really like to do a write-up for each skill that I've selected explaining with the aids of links, pictures, and diagrams why the skill is important and a brief explanation on performing it. I think this option also allows me some flexibility because I can start with creating the website, but can reduce the number of skills on which I provide analysis if needed.

Stay tuned next week for an update on my progress and decision for my product!


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