Hi Everyone!
Here's the link to my completed product; this can also be found on my genius hour blog Final Product page. This product is complete as far as this course goes; I plan to continue building my website and hopefully continue to build my goalkeeper training resume.
Over the course of this week I completed my home page, finished up the Distribution and Foot Skills section of skills, linked terms to the glossary, and built a contact page.
Of the three distribution and foot skills sections, hand distribution was definitely the most time consuming. In addition to the rules and importance, this section has two different types of throws and volleys (this term is linked to my glossary page) of which to cover technique.
In creating the glossary each term is linked to that page. This works for now, but as I include more skills and add more terms to the glossary, I will be looking to find a way to link to a specific line on the glossary page. This is a project for later.
Since I haven't completed my site and have not created an email specifically for my work as a goalkeeper trainer, I wanted to find another way for people to communicate with me and provide feedback on my website. I chose to build a comment section on the contact page and found the following video to show me how:
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